Utilities & Services
Phone: 800-700-8744
Phone: 727-443-2641
Phone: 888-893-9392
Experiencing and Outage?
Report it:
Text OUT to 57801
Call 800-228-8485
Mobile App Download (iPhone):
Mobil App Download (Android)
Trash & Recycling
Phone: 727-893-7334
Pickup: Tuesday & Friday
Garbage containers must be continually stored in the unit’s garage except for curb placement on the specific days each week that the City of St. Petersburg performs their pickups – normally Tuesday and Friday afternoons.
NOTE: Pickup days are typically delayed by one day when a holiday falls within the week.
Storing containers in the garage is important to avoid attracting pests and detracting from the community's aesthetic appearance.
Failure to comply may result in a violation notice, fines, sanctions, etc.
Villas of Carillon does not have curbside recycling service. Residents must visit a drop off center to recycle.
Phone: 727-562-5025
Phone: 855-542-8896
Phone: 1-888-795-9488
NOTE: All satellite installations must comply with Architectural Control Policy and Satellite Dish Installation Guidelines. Refer to the Architectural Request Form for additional details.
Phone: 727-424-8204
The Carillon Property Owners Association employs Guard-One, a security patrol service responsible for 24-hour monitoring of the commercial and residential properties within the Carillon park.
Typical reasons for calling Security or the St. Petersburg non-emergency number may include: soliciting, loitering, trespassing, escalating verbal/non-verbal conflicts, failure to comply with community rules and bylaws, noise nuisances and disturbances, missing or loose pets, etc.​
If you are experiencing an emergency please dial 911.
Mosquito Control
St. Petersburg Mosquito Control
Mobile App Download (iPhone):
Mobile App Download (Android)