Villas of Carillon - Suspicious Individuals Observed
Dear Residents,
On 4/24, a few of our residents reached out to Management & Associates to report suspicious individuals who were trespassing in the Villas of Carillon (walking around the community and entering open garages).
The board would like to remind our neighbors to take conscious and deliberate steps to secure their property within the community. This will only further deter future actions and keep our community one of the safest places to live. Reminders to consider:
Keep vehicles in garages overnight.
Lock vehicle doors at all times – DO NOT leave keys in the vehicle.
Keep garage doors closed except when entering or leaving.
Lock house doors at all times.
We'd like to remind everyone to remain vigilant and report any unusual and suspicious activity to the police department who will conduct a proper investigation.
Finally, we'd like to thank those individuals who brought this to our attention and for doing their part to keep our community safe.
Best Regards,
Villas of Carillon Board of Directors